Rehabilitation Services Cure Addiction to Alcohol, Drugs or other Substances
The rehabilitation center cures the addiction to alcohol, drugs and other similar substances. The rehabilitation center offers the services of professionals to cure the addiction problem. The center provides in-home treatment facilities. The patient has to stay in the center during the treatment duration. After the treatment, the outreach program of the center keeps the person out of the addiction problem and prevents relapse.
The comprehensive services are offered in accordance with the guidelines of the world health organization. Anyone who wants to come out of the addiction has to come to the center, or someone close to the patient can take the patient to the center. The de-addiction services of one of the Best Rehabilitation Centres in Delhi start with the complete medical history of the patient and detoxification. The detoxification process is the first step in rehabilitation services. It removes the accumulated toxins inside the body accumulated over the years of substance abuse. The detoxification process is carried out under the guidance of professionals, as some patients experience side- effects.
Then daily yoga and meditation sessions are conducted to help patients regain control over body and mind. The sessions on prayer are also part of the rehabilitation services, as it connects the person with the higher self. The meditation and prayer sessions help the person to manage anger, frustration, anxiety, sleeplessness, depression and suicidal tendencies.
The counseling sessions are a vital part of the overall rehabilitation services. The counseling sessions with psychologists, psychiatrists and peers give insight into the problem. The sessions also cure the emotional aspect of the problem. The session with peers enables the person to understand the step which helps to come out of the addiction and prevent relapse. The Rehabilitation Centre For Alcoholic in Delhi offers a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere with nutritious food and recreation facilities. Even after completion of the rehabilitation program, the center remains in touch with the person to ensure relapse is prevented at any cost.